
Flavonoids to provide the fighting power against many conditions

Article written by Cellan Diet Pills. Green tea is rich in flavonoids that are anti-oxidant, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and even anti-cancer. This is why Cellan Diet contains 100 percent green tea extract as one of its main ingredients.

According to stories circulating on the Internet, Chinese Oolong tea was discovered by accident by a person named Wu Liang some 400 years ago. Ever since the discovery, Chinese have been using tea for many reasons especially for its well-proven health benefits. Recent studies prove that tea brings certain benefits. It is a natural source of flavonoids that provide defense against oxidants, allergies, inflammation, bacterial, viral and even cancer. The amount of flavonoids in tea is determined by its process. If more processing including fermentation is involved, then the flavonoids levels decreases. This is why black tea contains less flavonoid than green tea. This is why less processed green tea is full of flavonoids. Its main ingredient that provides the fighting power is known as EGCG (epigallocatechin 3-gallate). This is why Cellan contains 100 percent green tea extract as one of its main ingredients to give you the fighting power against many conditions.


The Experimental Nature of RNA Synthesis

Written by: The Midland Certified Reagent Company

Summary: Synthetic DNA allows scientists to recreate certain sequences within a lab to test how they might fight disease.

DNA, the building block of life, comes configured with extremely specific traits that define everything about life forms. DNA synthesis allows scientists to manipulate those building blocks in specific combinations. Most people think “designer baby” when they hear this concept for the first time, but there are important medical research studies that require specific DNA sequences in order to test cures and remedies.


Synthesis is a natural process. DNA and RNA synthesis occurs within the body to form new proteins and new DNA molecules. Cracking the genome has enabled scientists to view disease and disorders in a whole new light. Combined with artificial synthesis, scientists are able to study very specific conditions that are related to diseases.

Oligo Synthesis

This process must be extremely precise, and is therefore automated. Oligonucleotide synthesis only deals with a defined chemical sequence, but this can be an advantage. Creating an entire DNA polymer is time consuming and expensive. It is still performed today, but oligos synthesis allows scientists to maintain a tight control over a desired sequence.


When a researcher has a theory about a disease, he or she has to try and recreate those conditions in a laboratory in order to study that theory in further detail. Patients with the disease may exist, but what if the researcher wants to hone in on people with a specific strand of DNA? In these situations, it’s not always feasible to track down patients that match the specific criteria. Synthetic DNA can act as a springboard, so to speak, giving the research team something they can work with to cure a disease.

Dr. Eric Amidi Reveals Trick to Staying Positive

Written by Heather Richards

By now most of us know the importance of staying positive. A positive outlook on life not only brings you happiness but also blesses the people around you. Someone who is positive is optimistic, always focusing on the good things in life instead of dwelling on the bad. But remaining positive on a regular basis can be challenging, especially if you live or work with people who try to bring you down. Whether you’re experiencing a storm in your life or dealing with negative people, it’s still possible to stay positive. In fact, some people even believe it’s the key to getting what you want and need in this life.

In a recent blog post titled How to Switch to Positivity, Dr. Eric Amidi unveils a simple trick on how to stay positive despite being surrounded by negative people. (Dr. Amidi is the author of the ebook “The Secret Behind the Secret,” and he often writes about the Law of Attraction.) Part of what he shares in the blog is something I struggle with: the fear of negativity. Dr. Eric Amidi writes that it’s important not to fight or fear negativity. Instead, he writes, recognize it and learn how to “neutralize it and turn it into positivity.” According to Dr. Amidi, you must first master positivity within yourself before you can block the negativity of others or stop it from bringing you down.

So what’s his trick? Read his blog post to find out what Dr. Eric Amidi says. I will, however, reveal that it’s as easy as asking yourself or another person one question. Yup. Just one.



Dr. Eric Amidi writes, advises, and consults on productivity, entrepreneurship, and life-transforming self-improvement methods.



Combined power of African mango and green tea

Article written by Cellan Diet. African mango combined with green tea becomes a powerful weapon against body weight, blood sugar, fat and belly fats. Cellan contains both ingredients as well as other proven weight loss agents.

Any weight loss program should aim at not just loosing body weight but also loosing body fat and size of a person’s waist line that indicates his or her belly fat. Studies conducted for effectiveness of African mango and EGCG found in green tea reveals exiting results on weight loss. Combining the powers of both ingredients to bring down the body weight as well as lower blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol reveals that together they are a powerful combination to lose body weight. In order to achieve benefits of both ingredients, one should also follow a calorie controlled diet and embark on a regular exercise program. Together, they may help you to lose 25 to 30 pounds, lower waist size by six inches, increase your metabolism, and control your craving for food. This is why supplements such as Cellan Diet Pills contain dried and powdered inner seeds of African mango, 100 green tea extract and other proven fat and weight loss ingredients.

Get More Results By Taking It Easy

Written by Dr. Eric Amidi.

When we talk about putting “effort” into the manifestation process, it’s easy to think that we mean the type of hard work that you would associate with a desk job. This is far from the reality. The ability to focus your energy to get positive things to happen for you does require effort, but it’s far different than the “hard work” that you might associate with your job. In fact, it’s a paradox: the harder you work, the more likely it is that you’ll have to work even harder to achieve your success.

The most effective way to achieve success in the manifestation process is to impress positive influences on your subconscious mind which is not something you can simply do through force of will. In fact, your subconscious mind will often fight against attempts to influence it through maximum effort. Instead, you need to work a different approach and influence your subconscious through feelings.

Scarcity is driven by the feeling of trying too hard for something — you might even call it desperation. Consider what happens if someone is trying too hard to make a relationship work or to get hired for a job. Chances are that they won’t be successful.

In order to impress positive feelings on your subconscious mind, you have to fight against the urge to solve the problem through exertion. Instead, you need to let your subconscious become taken by the powerful feelings of positive energy that you are creating. This will lead to feelings of abundance that can only mean great things for the rest of your life.

Eric Amidi is a best-selling author who has used his scientific background to help people better understand the relationship between their thoughts and their success. Dr. Eric Amidi is a physicist who was part of the team that discovered the Top Quark.


EGCG to reduce inflammation

Epigallocatechin 3-gallate commonly known as EGCG found in high concentration in green tea. Researchers think that EGCG help with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) caused by the swings of body’s immune system. One in 100 people suffer from the condition and women are three times more likely to catch the disease. The condition can go beyond your joints and affect other parts of the body. Bad news is that scientists do not know exactly what causes the disease and there is no known cure for it. However, some studies suggest that experiments with animals induced with RA responded by halting arthritic degeneration when treated with EGCG. RA and associated bone erosion are caused by IL-6 and COX-2 potent molecules and they are much more active in people with RA compared to non-RA people. This is good news for people who are suffering from joint destructing RA. Cellan Diet Pills contains 100 percent green tea extract to give the benefits of EGCG.

Article written by Cellan Diet. Scientists find that animals in an experiment enhanced with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) responded well for treatments rich with EGCG found in green tea extract. This is why Cellan Diet Pills contains100 percent green tea extracts to give the benefits to its users.

Do not fall off of your diet and exercises

Article written by Cellan Diet Pills. Exercises are as important as your diet to improve and maintain your health. When you fall behind your goals, supplements such as Cellan Diet made of all natural ingredients to improve your system may help you.

Everyone speak of regular exercises being one of the critical elements of healthy living. Exercises do promote cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, helps to lose weight and maintain body weight, improve immune health, improve circulation, and prepare your body against many diseases. Coupled with a healthy diet, together exercises and diet bring enormous benefits to the human body.

When stress from work and sheer daily workloads make it difficult for many to follow their exercise routine and good dietary habits, many fall behind making them more exposed to diseases. A supplement rich in dietary fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals can supply much needed help where diet fails and to help you stay on tract. This is why Cellan Diet Pills contain African mango that improve colon functions, 100 percent green tea extract that provides much needed fighting power with its EGCG content, vitamins and an exclusive berry blend that provides minerals and other important immune health agents.

Fat reduction also helps to lose weight

Guest post is provided by Cellan Diet Pills. Removal and reduction of fat from the body can be achieved through many natural ingredients and it will lead to weight loss. This is why Cellan Pills contains 100 percent green tea extract, Vitamin B and C, African mango and an exclusive berry blend.

Evidence suggests that green tea is crucial in increased fat oxidation and helping to relax your system. Other benefits of green tea includes increased levels of leptin that helps the brain to signal your body to stop eating, reduce anxiety, prevention of certain diseases and reduction of high blood pressure. Combining green tea with other proven ingredients such as Vitamins and fat burners such as African mango can enhance the benefits of green tea. This is why many supplements such as Cellan diet Pills contain 100 percent green tea extract, Vitamin C and B3, dried and powdered inner seeds of African mango and an exclusive berry blend. EGCG (epigallocatechin 3-gallate) found in green tea is the key ingredient that helps to prevent and reduce fat storage in your body. Reduction and elimination of fat also helps with unintended benefit of weight loss due to removal of fat.

How to Lose Weight Fast

Written by Paleo Forever

Like most people, you could probably stand to lose some weight. Most of us definitely could. However, most people have had bad experiences trying to shed excess pounds in the past. They’ve found that it’s simply more work than it’s worth to try and get down to that ideal size as it either takes too long or it’s too hard to do.

Fortunately, there’s one weight loss plan that actually provides fast results. It’s worked for countless people before too and the best part is that you’ll begin seeing less weight on the scale almost immediately, which will work to keep you motivated.

First, you need to cut complex carbs from your diet. That means no more bread, oatmeal buns, cereal or anything else. For most people, this is the toughest part of the plan. But it’s essential and there’s some good news.

The good news is that you get to replace that staple with choices like bacon, eggs, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, seafood and other high fat options most of us have been led to believe are mad for us. Imagine enjoying guilty pleasures on a regular basis without having to feel bad about it.

Now, when it comes to exercise, give up hour long workout sessions and long runs. Instead, start lifting heavy weights for five reps. Then wait five minutes and do it again. Exercises that will work include bench press, deadlifts and squats. Do each of these once a week.

The above may sound unconventional, but it will help you burn fat fast.

Paleo Forever is a paleo blog, with posts, articles and recipe covering paleo desserts to paleo snacks.

The Dos and Don’ts of the SENSA Weight-Loss System


Starting the SENSA® Weight-Loss System may be one of the easiest ways to lose weight and keep it off. After all, it’s as simple as shaking it on everything you eat. But there is more to this revolutionary way to lose weight than a container that looks like a salt and pepper shaker. If you’re looking to lose weight on SENSA®, you might be thinking about the best way to use the program. Not knowing how much to shake or on what foods can backfire, though. To get the most out of theSENSA® Weight-Loss System, learn the simple dos and don’ts of using SENSA®.

Do Carry it With You

When you start SENSA®, you will receive two new shakers each month. The key to losing weight with SENSA® is consistency, which means you will need to shake it on everything you eat, whether you’re at home, at the office, or out on the town. To ensure that you stay on track with your weight-loss goals, carry one container with you wherever you go. Having a container in your purse or a small backpack will allow you to shake SENSA® on everything you eat, including foods at a restaurant or from the snack machine. The second container should remain at home.

Do Shake Evenly

One of the most common questions people ask about SENSA® is, “How much should I shake?” The answer is not too little and not too much, but evenly. Whether you eat fruit, meat, or vegetables, it’s important to shake SENSA® evenly on the food that you eat so that it’s equally covered. How do you know if you’re using too much? Two containers are designed to last you one month if you shake it on everything you eat. So, if you run out of SENSA® in the middle of the month, you’re using too much, and if you are left with a lot of SENSA® at the end of the month, you’re using too little.

Don’t Shake On Liquids

While SENSA® is designed to be used on nearly every food — including foods such as grapes and berries — it’s not meant to be sprinkled on liquids. So forget about shaking SENSA® on water, juice, or soda because it will saturate the Tastants. But you can still shake the product on semi-liquid foods such as cereals, hearty soups, stews, and chili.