
Head Congestion

Head Congestion

The congestion can be developed in any one’s head. However those with allergies are more likely to develop congestion in their sinuses. Factors such as over exposure to chemicals and pollutants smoke can cause head congestion.

The congestion is developed when there is too much of phlegm and the commonest cause of phlegm production are infections and inflammation in the air passage. The air passage becomes infected because the friction caused by the particles in the lungs.

Home Remedies for Head Congestion

Head congestion can lead the person to a discomfort state. Fortunately there are many home remedies that can aid to overcome the symptoms and effects of head congestion. Firstly never leave your hair wet if you are prone to head congestions.

Keep your body hydrated by consuming lots of liquids which is the simplest home remedy for any type of congestion which will wash out your mucous from the body. Drinking lots of fluid can help loosen the hard phlegm and mucous which will allow you to cough it out easily.

Humidifiers can also be installed in your home which will help to clear out your air passage. Another method to loosen up the phlegm is to inhale steam by heating up a large container of water, when water comes to a boil, remove from heat, covering your head with a thick cloth/towel and bed over the container to inhale the steam. Few drops of eucalyptus oil can be added for best results.

Diet for Head Congestion

Immunity levels should be improved by consuming a diet rich in vitamin C which will make you less prone to common cold and other disorders which are originators of head congestion.


Hay fever

Hay fever is an allergy caused by dust, pollen or dander in the air, this causes allergy to eyes and nose. Hay fever is seasonal but can last throughout the year. Hay fever is also referred to as nasal allergy. Spring and fall are the seasons for hay fever.

Symptoms for hay fever include:

  • Coughing, headache, itching of nose, mouth, eyes, throat, ear and skin. Redness and watery eyes, running and stuffy nose, impaired smell, sneezing, sore throat, wheezing, fatigue and trouble while sleeping are some common symptoms of hay fever.

Causes of hay fever include:

  • The entry of allergens into the body through mouth, nose, throat and lungs. These allergens enter the body and react with the immune system.

Home remedies to cure hay fever are:

Honey boiled with minced grapefruit and lemon taken three times daily will stop the irritation of nose. Apply petroleum jelly inside the nose. Chamomile boiled in water and then fumes inhaled in will relieve the itching.

Maintain a clean healthy and balance diet, consume more fruits and vegetables as these may increase the fiber content of the body which helps soothen the bowel movements. Include vitamin C in your diet. Avoid flour, sugar, salt and dairy product. Drink plenty water and herbal tea. Eat food rich in protein.

Avoid going out early morning and late evening as the pollens are released during this time of the day. Avoid using nasal spray as it my increase nasal congestion. Avoid smoking and air pollutants.



Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach’s linning. Acute or chronic gastritis causes inflammatory lesions.

Symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, pain and discomfort in the stomach region.
  • Coated tongue, foul breath, bad taste in the mouth, increased flow of saliva, scanty urination, uneasiness and mental depression are other symptoms of gastritis.
  • In chronic conditions patient experience as feeling of fullness in the abdomen. They might also experience diarrhea or constipation.

Causes of gastritis are:

  • Irregular or excessive eating, eating badly combined food, excessive intake of strong tea, coffee or alcoholic drinks, large quantities of condiments and sauces.
  • Worry, anxiety, grief, prolonged tension, certain drugs, strong acids and caustic substances cause gastritis.
  • Improper bowel movements and improper diet can also cause gastritis.

Home remedies to cure gastritis are:

  • Coconut water gives the stomach rest and provides the necessary vitamins and minerals to return to its normal condition.
  • One cup of rice gruel is recommended twice daily as they can induce greater flow of gastric juices.
  • Potato juice taken twice or trice daily helps relief gastritis discomfort.
  • Marigold herb taken twice daily is also very beneficial to treat gastritis.

Diet for gastritis includes:

  • Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables to soothe bowel movements. Recommended fruits include pears, apples, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melons.
  • Having curd and cottage cheese along with lots of water will help dilute the gastric juices.
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, spices, meat, sweet, strong tea and coffee as these can aggravate gastritis.
  • Fasting for two to three days and only having warm water during this period will relax the stomach causing the inflammation to subside.
  • Well balance diet is very essential; include all seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Warm water enema done daily for one week will help clean the bowels. Hot water compress on empty stomach or two hours after meal will also be beneficial. Avoid physical exertion, stress, mental strain etc. Practice breathing exercises as it can be very helpful. Walking, swimming and golf can also benefit.



Gingivitis also referred to as bleeding gums is caused due to inflammation of the gums. This inflammation is mainly caused due to bad oral hygiene. Gingivitis is a periodontal disease which affects the surrounding gums and tissues. If not treated in time it can lead to serious problems like periodontitis eventually causing destruction of the bone and lose of teeth. However at early stages gingivitis is not very painful.

Symptoms of gingivitis include painful gums, bleeding while brushing, red gums, swollen gums, tender gums, bad breath and bad taste in mouth.

The common cause of gum inflammation is the local irritant. Plague, bacteria and food particles accumulating between the gums cause gingivitis due to the toxic chemicals produced by the bacteria.

Other causes that cause gum inflammation are drugs, viral and fungal infections, hormonal changes during pregnancy and puberty, poor nutrition, medication, lack of hygiene etc.

Home remedies to cure gum inflammation include usage of products that contain essential oils, gargling with saline water daily twice, rubbing clove oil on the gums or keep clove in the mouth, usage of anti-bacterial mouthwash etc. Other remedies to cure gingivitis are usage mouthwash containing sage oil, peppermint, menthol and chamomile tincture. Toothpaste containing sage oil, peppermint oil etc. are also highly recommended.

The diet suggested to patients suffering with gingivitis includes

  • Consumption of low saturated fats.
  • Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Food rich in fiber.
  • Vitamin C is very essential to improve gum conditions.
  • Avoid sugar, fruit juices, white flour, white rice, soft drinks and syrups.

If the condition is very serious it is recommended that the patient visits a dentist as he will thoroughly clean the mouth and gums and remove plague etc. Oral hygiene is very essential to prevent this condition from reoccurring. Using dental floss is advisable; also avoid stress as it contributes to plague accumulation.



Laryngitis is a condition caused due to inflammation of the voice box or the larynx.

Symptoms of Laryngitis include:

  • Hoarseness in voice.
  • Constant irritation in throat or sore throat.
  • Fever, congestion and cough.
  • Laryngitis if severe can also result in loss of voice.

Causes of Laryngitis include:

  • Bacterial, viral or fungal infection.
  • Infectious disease such as tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • Allergies and respiratory diseases like bronchitis and sinusitis.
  • Over use of vocal chords due to shouting or cheering on top of the voice.
  • Excess smoking or alcohol consumption.
  • Prolonged cough.
  • Exposure to atmospheric irritant or harsh conditions.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

Home remedies to cure Laryngitis include:

  • Salt water gargle is the best remedy to cure sore throat. Half teaspoon of salt mixed in a cup of warm water and gargled several times in a day will help cure sore throat immediately as this kills the infection.
  • Gargle with an antiseptic and antibacterial mouthwash as it kills all the germs.
  • A solution made with equal amount of water and vinegar will help kill the bacteria and soothe the throat.
  • If the sore throat is severe it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Diet to cure laryngitis comprises of consumption of plenty ginger and garlic as these have got anti-microbial properties and also boosts the immune system. Hot cup of ginger tea taken daily can do wonders in curing the larynx.

It is also recommended that the prescribed medications be taken properly. Proper rest should be give to the larynx. Over strain must be avoided, whispering will be a good change. Using humidifier is also good as it will make the air moist, thus avoiding irritation of the throat which can aggravate laryngitis.


Jock itch

Article written by Great Drugs Pharmacy

Jock itch is a fungal infection caused by a fungus call Trichophyton rubrum. This fungus mainly grows in warm and moist parts of the body such as the skin of the genitals, inner thigh, groin area and buttocks. Jock itch is also known as tinea cruis and it can be very uncomfortable. However, it is not a serious infection and is more common in men. Overweight and profusely sweating can also result in this infection.

Symptoms of jock itch are formation of red, itchy and ring-shaped rashes in areas like genitals, buttocks and inner thighs. These rashes only tend to get most severe as time passes causing the breakdown of the skin.

Other symptoms of jock itch include peeling or cracking of groin skin, burning sensation or chafing around groin area.

Causes of jock itch infection are constant sweating resulting is formation of moisture on the skin. Wearing tight outfits and undergarments can also result in sweating thus forming jock itch. Individuals suffering with AIDS and diabetes can also be infected with jock itch due to their weak immune system. Jock itch is a contagious infection, thus it is recommended that individuals avoid sharing their personal belongings with infected people. Infections like athletes foot can also result in jock itch.

Home remedies to cure jock itch are:

  • Keeping warm and moist areas clean and dry.
  • Applying OTC antifungal cream, powder or spray on affected areas.
  • Changing undergarments daily.
  • Using antidandruff shampoo on the infected skin.
  • Applying tea tree oil on the infected area.
  • Including good quantity of garlic in food as garlic has antifungal properties.
  • Applying garlic and honey on affected area can also be beneficial.

Diet includes avoiding consumption of refined carbohydrates, sugar and food consisting yeast. Avoiding alcohol as it eventually converts to sugar. Consume lots of raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid greasy, fried and processed food.

Wear loose cotton clothes and use silica to keep the damp body area dry.



Article written by Remedy Healthcare

Influenza also referred to as flu is a clinical condition which is caused due to infection from influenza viruses. These viruses mainly affect the upper respiratory tract, nose and throat and can spread to the lungs and bronchi. Influenza is highly contagious and is a widespread disease.

Symptoms of influenza are:

  • Chills, fever, headache and severe muscular pain.
  • Inflammation of the throat and nose which may spread to the windpipe of the lungs causing sore throat, cough and running nose and eyes.
  • Rise in body temperature to 39 degree Celsius or to 40 degree Celsius in severe conditions.
  • Constant weakness and fatigues that lasts for weeks.

Causes of influenza are:

  • Viral infection
  • Accumulation of toxins in the body.
  • Dietetic errors and faulty lifestyle like lack of exercise, overwork, living in stuffy room etc.
  • Direct contact with an individual suffering from influenza.

Home remedies to cure influenza are:

  • Half teaspoon of long pepper mixed with two teaspoon of honey and half teaspoon of ginger juice and consumed thrice a day. This remedy works great if taken at initial stages of the sickness and also helps prevent complication that rest from onset of the disease such as larynx and bronchial tube involvement.
  • Consuming garlic regularly is also beneficial as it has antiseptic properties.
  • Turmeric mixed with a cup of warm milk and drank three times a day also help prevent any complications arising from influenza.
  • Three or four teaspoon of onion juice mixed with honey and taken daily also helps treating influenza.
  • A decoction of ginger juice and fenugreek seed mixed with some honey will help increase sweating and reduce the chances of fever.
  • Grapefruit is also beneficial as it tones up the body and the digestive tract.
  • Green leaves of basil plant boiled along with some ginger and water and drank as tea gives immediate relief from influenza.
  • Fumigation of burnt flour of finger millet inhaled gently is also beneficial to treat influenza. It increase blood circulation in the nasal mucosa and reduces local congestion and opens stuffed nose.

Home remedies for patients suffering from influenza are:

  • Drinking only fruits and raw vegetable juices and avoiding intake of solid food.
  • Consuming only fruits for two to three days as well as drinking milk is beneficial.
  • A well balance diet of natural foods i.e. fresh fruits and raw vegetables should be maintained.
  • Avoid spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee, highly seasoned meat, over boiled milk, pulses, potatoes, rice, cheese and tinned food.

Warm water enema should be taken daily for first three to five days. Cold packs can be applied on the body to normalize the body temperature and prevent fever.



Article written by Hot Weight

Hypertension also known as blood pressure is the most common fatal disease of today. It is usually caused to the increase mental and physical pressures. Blood pressure is usually measured by an instrument called sphygmomanometer in millimeters of mercury. The highest pressure reached during each heart beat is the systolic pressure and the lowest pressure between two beats is known as diastolic pressure. In young adults the pressure is between 120/80 and it increases to 160/90 as age increases.

Symptoms of high blood pressure are pain in the back of the head and neck while waking up in the morning which soon disappears, dizziness, palpitation, pain in the heart region, frequent urination, nervous tension, fatigue and difficulty in breathing.

Causes of high blood pressure include:

  • Stress in daily life, smoking excessively, intake of intoxicants, tea, coffee and refined foods hinder expulsion of waste and poisonous materials from the body. Hardening of arteries, obesity and diabetes also cause hypertension.
  • Excessive intake of common salt and consumption of high fat and low fiber in diet can also lead to hypertension.

Remedies to cure hypertension include:

  • Consumption of garlic helps reduce blood pressure. Garlic reduces spasms of the small arteries, it also slows downs the pulse rate and modifies heart rhythm. It also relieves dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath and formation of gas.
  • Indian gooseberry juice mixed with honey taken every morning helps reduce blood pressure.
  • Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin P which helps prevent capillary fragility, thus controlling blood pressure.
  • Grapefruit is also rich in Vitamin P, consumption of Grapefruit will tone the arteries thus preventing increase in blood pressure.
  • Watermelon seed dried, roasted and taken daily in good quantities is very beneficial to fight against high blood pressure as they dilate the blood vessels lowering the blood pressure.
  • Rice is a good dietary food for patients suffering from hypertension as it is low in fat, cholesterol and salt. Brown rice consists of calcium which soothes and relaxes the nervous system thus reducing blood pressure.
  • Potato is rich in potassium and magnesium which helps lower blood pressure. It has very less quantity of sodium salt.
  • Parsley helps maintain the blood vessels especially the capillaries. Parsley boiled with water and taken several times daily can be very beneficial.
  • Rauwolfia is best remedy for high blood pressure. Alkaloids of this drug can directly affect hypertension.
  • Fruit juices taken in combinations are beneficial for hypertension. 300ml of carrot juice and 200ml of spinach juice taken twice daily has proven to be very beneficial.
  • Calcium and potassium help reduce blood pressure as they secrete excess sodium and improve functioning of the vascular system. Thus increase of calcium and potassium in the diet is very advantageous.

Patient suffering from hypertension should consume a very well balanced diet. Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables in the diet, avoid meat and eggs. Fruits and vegetables will help soothe the bowel movements thus eliminating all the toxins from the body.

Hypertensive patients should sleep atleast eight hours a day; avoid stress, tension, anger and haste. Be calm, cheerful and rest as much as possible.